Foundation Repair in Columbus, Ohio

Foundation repair is crucial for preserving your home’s structural integrity and value. Your foundation—whether it’s a poured footer, jack post, or concrete slab—is the essential element that anchors your house in place. When these vital structures begin to shift, whether sinking, rising, or moving laterally, B-Level Ltd. steps in with expert solutions. We offer specialized techniques to lift, support, and stabilize your foundation, ensuring the long-term stability and safety of your home.

Signs and Symptoms



Interior wall cracks can be a sign that your foundation has shifted and settled beyond normal levels.



When doors or windows stick, it can be an indication of a structural problem with the building.



Rapid expansion and contraction of the soil underneath your home can cause cracks in floors, concrete slabs, stem walls and more.



Cracks can occur in and around a home a number of different ways. Although some cracks can be caused by normal settling, most cracks are caused by a type of foundation problem.



Uneven settlement around your home can cause windows and doors to become misaligned. Gaps around windows, doors and garage doors can be a sign of foundation damage.



Cracks in basement walls, leaking cracks and bulging basement walls can be signs of drainage problems or unhealthy soil movement and expansion.

Why Choose B-Level For Foundation Repair In Columbus, Ohio:

  • 25 years of experience fixing people’s houses
  • Independent company
  • Centrally located in Ohio
  • Offer the best possible solutions for each problem
  • Provide one of the best foundation repair solutions in the market today
  • All products are ICC-rated and engineered
  • Can solve problems in a variety of manners
  • Don’t outsource or subcontract work


Pricing for foundation repair services in Columbus varies depending on the specific needs of each project. B-Level Ltd. offers financing options to help make these essential repairs more accessible.

5-Step Process for Getting Started with Foundation
Repair Services In Columbus, Ohio:


Call the office or contact B-Level Ltd.


Meet on-site for an inspection


Receive a proposal via email


Have a pre-inspection meeting to discuss the quote and scope of work


Start the work

5-Step Process for Successful Foundation Repair Services:

  1. The foreman conducts a post-inspection with the customer on the last day of the job
  2. The foreman takes pictures throughout the job for documentation
  3. The customer signs off, confirming satisfaction with the work
  4. All job information, including contract, pre-inspection, post inspection form, and technical data, is stored on B-Level Ltd.’s network.
  5. Information is kept for future reference in case of warranty issues.

Sub-services of
Foundation Repair:

  1. Carbon Fiber Straps: A wall reinforcement solution to arrest any future bowing, shearing, or inward movement of the basement wall foundation.
  2. Steel Beams: Used for wall reinforcement.
  3. Jack Posts: A solution to support the home’s infrastructure, providing additional reinforcement to main support beams or girder beams to arrest future settlements. Also, a solution for uneven floors.
  4. Helical Piles: A foundation support solution to stabilize a person’s foundation footing, preventing sinking. This is a permanent, engineered solution.

Additional Foundation Repair Information

Is foundation repair covered by insurance?

Most likely not.  Foundation repair cost are going to be the responsibility of the homeowner to pay for.

Why do Foundations Fail?

Basement foundations can fail for many reasons. It is important to note that that basement foundation failure can often be prevented with proper design, construction, and maintenance. Regular inspections and repairs can help identify potential problems early before they escalate into more serious issues

How much does it cost to repair a crack in my basement?

Repairing a crack can be pretty inexpensive if all that needs done is some tuck-pointing or filler.  Hiring a contractor to fill cracks can be done for as little as a few hundred dollars if the cracks are inactive and not getting any worse. 

If the cracks in your basement are actively moving, or show signs of movement, tuck-pointing or using filler in the cracks is not the only thing that will need to be done to stop this problem, and structural repairs such as Helical Piles or Steel I-beams may be needed.  These repair solutions are thousands of dollars.  How many thousands can depend on the extent of the damage. 

Should I consult with a Structural Engineer first?

Yes. This is a great idea for when you’re planning on getting several estimates, or if you’re not 100% sure as to what needs done to your home.  Having an Engineer look at the foundation of your home can help streamline the process of figuring out the problems, getting contractor referrals, and receiving estimates that align with the Engineers design so you can make an “apples to apples” comparison.

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