• December



Why Foundations Fail

A proper foundation will support the weight of its structure. When a foundation fails, the structure becomes compromised. The longevity and safety of your home is dependent on a stable foundation. Whether you are preparing to buy a new home or you have already lived in your home for many years, a stable foundation should be your top priority.

If you are worried you may have a failing foundation, you may notice some of these common warning signs. A stable foundation relies on both the strength of the foundation itself and the strength of the soil the foundation is built on. Poor soil conditions can be directly linked with settlement issues. We can stabilize your sinking foundation and guarantee no further downward movement by installing our helical piles.

Here are some other common causes of foundation failure:

Why Foundations Fail


1. Evaporation: Hot dry wind and intense heat will often cause the soil to shrink beneath the foundation.

2. Transpiration: Tree roots may desiccate the soil beneath a home causing the soil to shrink and the home to settle.

3. Plumbing Leaks: Water from plumbing leaks is often a cause of foundation problems.

4. Drainage: Improper drainage is one of the leading causes of foundation failure. Excess moisture will erode or consolidate soils and cause settlement.

5. Inferior Foundation Construction: Insufficient steel and inferior concrete will contribute to movement in the slab.

6. Inferior Ground Preparation: Soft, low-density soils and/or improperly compacted soil beneath a home is the leading cause of foundation failure.

7. Poor Soil Conditions: Poor soil and its expansion and/or contraction contribute to foundation failure.


Contact our office if you think you may be experiencing foundation issues and our sales manager will find a solution to your specific needs.

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