• February



    Structural vs Non-Structural Foundation Cracks

      Not all cracks are created equal. Cracks in your foundation can typically be classified into two categories: structural cracks and non-structural cracks. Both can be worrisome to a homeowner who is not sure what might be going on. Not all cracks cause structural damage. Non-structural cracks are typically cosmetic and don’t require major repair.

    • February



    2020 Angie’s List Super Service Award

    B-Level, Ltd. Earns 2020 Angie’s List Super Service Award Award reflects company’s consistently high level of customer service   B-Level, Ltd. is proud to announce that it has earned the home service industry’s coveted Angie’s List Super Service Award (SSA). This award honors service professionals who have maintained exceptional service ratings and reviews on Angie’s

    • January



    Hydrostatic Pressure

    Hydrostatic pressure describes the outward and downward pressure caused by standing water pushing against an object or surface that blocks it, which in this case, would be your basement walls. It is the most common cause of basement water penetration. Central Ohio soils are known to be thick clay that easily retain moisture. During the

    • December



    Chimney Foundation Failure

    Cracking or gaps where your chimney meets the house can be a sign of foundation failure. Nine times out of ten, if the chimney foundation is settling (sinking), the cracking will appear larger at the top of the chimney and will get smaller as you work your eyes down towards the ground. Leaving your compromised

    • March



    From Jacob’s Desk: COVID-19

    Dear Valued Customers and Business Partners,   The spread of the COVID-19 virus has forced us all into a new reality and created unprecedented challenges for families and businesses alike. During this time of change and uncertainty, B-level’s primary commitment is to continue to support our customers’ needs, while abiding by the guidelines set out

    • January



    Fairfield County Municipal Courthouse: Lancaster, OH

    Challenge: In the city of Lancaster, Ohio, the Fairfield County Municipal Courthouse has been standing since the 1800s. With planned renovations as well as new additions to the structure, the experts at B-Level, LTD. were called in to assist on the underpinning of the foundation. The three-story structure had a foundation sitting on sandstone with

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